Thursday, November 24, 2011

Can cats bite through metal fencing wire?

I have just noticed a large hole in the wire fencing in the garden, this is beside our bird bath. Worried about the birds and pretty annoyed too!|||I don't think cats could bite though it.|||No, I do not think that cats can chew through metal fencing wire, or my cat would have done so by now.|||A cat's mouth would be torn up by the metal. Besides, a cat would go over the fence rather than be bothered with chewing on it.

I can't think of too many creatures whose mouth wouldn't be torn up by the metal. Even mice can't chew through metal.

I'm thinking a two-legged intruder is responsible.|||Cats wouldn't do that. Not sure any animal would for that matter.|||It's very unlikely, if not impossible, that cats have made the hole. More likely a fox or badger has pushed through or a neighbour has cut it if you have recently put up the wire netting. Or has it rusted though?|||No way. Badgers can, though. Have you got badgers locally? But they won't bother the birds, just dig up your lawn and flowerbeds|||No, cats can't bite through metal fencing wire. Rats are the most likely culprits, or squirrels, in fact, most rodents can bite through virtually anything.|||Is it chicken wire?

Cats can chew through a lot of things.|||they wont bite through it if its electrified!!!

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