Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is it legal to carry my fencing foil in public?

I'm not worrying about the rest of my equipment (just some practice amongst friends, so I'll use club equipment to save me lugging mine around) and I don't want to carry the entire bag just for the foil, but I don't want to get in trouble for carrying a sword around openly. What's the legality (in Britain) of carrying around a fencing foil openly in public?

Thanks|||I'm not from Britain, but this is the best I can give. I studied firearms and the use of weaponry for murder. Laws on carrying those not on a national level, but on a local level. It would be best to ask your local laws-city wide, county, and so on. The carrying of weapons and similar objects change on a county, town, and city level even here in the Philippines. For example, in our capital Manila, it is illegal to carry a sharp object even resembling a knife "longer than the width of for of your own fingers". However, in the provinces, no such law exists.

I suggest you go to a local police station or even ask your fencing buddies. Actually, I fence too (Saber). Good luck.|||Oh, in Britain.

Enjoy being government property?|||Special services cops will machine gun you, then ask you why you have it.

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