Thursday, November 24, 2011

How much do these two fencing materials cost?

Vinyl and high-tensile (coated, and not coated). Also, is it safe to have high-tensile wire fencing around and arena? Thanks!|||I don't have the prices but I would avoid the high tensile wire. It does not have a very good visibility to it and if you have seen some of the injuiries this fencing has done, you probably would look for something else. Also, please do not use T Posts around your arena/round pens. Extremely dangerous, if you have a really well broke horse you may not forsee the reasons I have but working with young, unpredictable or green horses.... well, just avoid them at all costs. Ride without a fence before doing that.

The vinyl? Are you talking vinyl rail fencing or a "tape" sort of fencing? Vinyl rail is VERY expensive. I have found that the "white 3" tape" is very visible and stays intact well with the new clips they have when applied to wooden posts. ( I use this method to section off areas within my pastures). It is quick, easy, and reusable if you want to "tear it down". That would probably be the most cost effective, safe way to go for an arena fence. You could space your posts 8 feet apart and then in the future you could start replacing the tape with wooden rail without having the work of digging more post holes and the closer the posts, the better the tape looks and stays in place. HOWEVER, if you have used the tape and have it electrified on your property, you probably won't get your horse to work on the rail, for obvious reasons. On another note, I do not recommend this fencing for property perimeters but that is not your question.

Hope this helps a little|||I would aviod high tensil (coated or not) wire and just go with electric tape...... it's yellow or white, highly visable and costs less...... You can get a roll of Yellow or white Electic Tape at a local tack/tool shop for like $30 for somthing like or at Stateine Tack (online catolog) for like $45ish and if saving money is what your looking to do, then make your own wooden stake/posts to put in the grouind and buy a bag of electic tape wire insulators to put on the posts to put the tape through, a bag of those localy costs like $3 to $10, depending on the type you get.....

if you buy the posts instead of make them it's like 15.00 for a set of ten I think at Counrty Supply (online catolog).....

and as for fencing in an areana with electric tape.... thats what mines fenced with! LOL! As long as it doesn't spook any of your horses it'll be fine! I would recommend turning off the electric when your riding or not even having the areana's fence hooked up to electric... alot of horses only need to see the yellow tape and they stay away... mine do!

good luck.... hope I helped|||Stay away from High's dangerous to horses because they can't see it well, and if they hit it going full speed it will slice them up like a block of cheese ( I've seen it, and I know it's true!)

I use 2 strands of twisted smooth wire ( at 8 and 24 inches ) and a top strand of electric braided rope ( I really have been pleased with the type I got from Premier Fencing Company On-Line) It's safe, it's very visible, and it gives when my silly colties run into it...and it packs a serious shock when my mares reach over it to graze.

I have an arena made up of 3 strands of extra-wide tape, which I turn off for when I'm riding, but leave on when I have a horse turned into the arena...seems to work ok, and it is much cheaper and easier to maintain than board fence.|||It depends on where you get the materials and what price you are willing to pay.

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