Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am getting a Dachshund and require temporary fencing! Does anyone know any cheap solutions?

My girlfriend and I are in the process of getting a Miniature Dachshund, the Real Estate have allowed us to get one providing we can set up suitable fencing, we live in a townhouse and would need to fence approximately 3 metres of lawn and 2 metres of tile on the patio. Any solutions would be really helpful. Its a small dog so we can't really afford to have big gaps in the fencing, and we aren't looking to spend hundreds of dollars.|||Maybe vinyl lattice would work. I guess this is going to be a pretty small dog and probably not a jumper, so you could even cut it in half lengthwise to get 2' high sections which ought to be enough to confine him. That can be done with a hand saw. You could tie the panels together with cable ties or strong string, fasten them to the ground with good tent pegs or landscape pegs.

However, if it was me, I'd be inclined to get the sort of wire pet pen stuff, it's called X-pen, that another poster mentioned, unless appearance is a serious consideration for your neighbours or management. It comes in different heights. The x-pen is more expensive, isn't terribly attractive, and will eventually rust if left outdoors but it's very sturdy, folds for storage, can be set up in different configurations, cannot be chewed and is very difficult to break, and if the sections are clipped together properly, your dog will not get through them. Mine tried once, got her paw stuck between two panels, and after she was rescued from that, she never tried to get out again. The X-pen might come in useful if you ever need to confine the dog while visiting or travelling too, or inside at home. It would give him more room than a crate but still keep him out of the way.

The lattice, if you set it up for where you live now, will be probably basically useless elsewhere.|||Pets mart has a folding fence about 24 inchs high and when layed out straight measures about 16 feet.This fence comes in pieces about 24 inchs long and you hook then together,you can make it into a circle or any other o get any sizeshape you want.They are not expensive less then a $100.00 abd you can buy two and hook them together to get any size enclosure you need.Anotyer plus is you can take it down to store or to take to the park.I have used mine to keep a small child from leaving the family room and to keep my dog off the carpet until she learned to go outside.What I like most is because it hooks together you only need to use the sections that you need.|||You can just go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy some wire mesh. You don't need very much, just make it a little higher than the average couch (miniature dachshunds can jump surprisingly high!). Make sure to buy something to prevent your dog from digging it's way out, such as bricks or cinder blocks (Bury them underneath the lawn). My mini dachshund has escaped plenty of times before I did this.|||You can buy a roll of what is known as chicken wire and some wooden stakes. It comes in various heights for about $10 for a 50 foot roll. Real cheap.|||Popsicle sticks and a bottle of glue should do the trick.|||chicken wire and metal stakes are cheap and if done right looks ok

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