Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do I keep my dog on my property without fencing?

I have tried everything including invisible fence. He just yelped %26amp; went right through even on highest setting. I stopped using it because he was getting hurt. He can jump a 6 footer. Fencing 1 acre is prohibitive.|||I used the wireless invisible fencing system. It's called Petsafe. It has a beeping system to where it will let the dog know that he will get shocked if he doesn't go back and will shock him up to 30 seconds. He can't jump the fence and get shocked only once. He will understand that pretty quickly. There are different shock settings so you can control how much of a shock he gets. This will definitely work b/c it worked for my dog. He only got shocked once and never tried again. The settings on the wireless can go up to 90 feet in radius so you place it in the middle of the house.|||My lab went through my invisible fence quite a few times, but eventually got it. As to him getting hurt, yes, it is a tad painful, but not as bad as it seems when they yelp the way that they do. And yes, I actually tried it out to see how bad the shock was. My lab has given up trying to get out.|||Have you tried a professional dog trainer?|||It's called Hobbling,lol.|||You can get an electric Fense but building a fence is cheaper! Keeping a dog on a tie out isn't being a good owner.|||invisible fence system. but it's expensive.

you should walk you dog as well. on a leash. at least 3 times a day. just putting a dog in the yard is not sufficient exercise.|||Here's a suggestion I've heard to go along with the invisible fence; put up a VISIBLE line or tape wherever the invisible one is. The dog should figure out the boundaries a little easier when he has something he can see.

Good luck|||it is called invisable fencing.

It is expensive but once it is installed

it does work for some breeds.

some larger breeds run right through it.

I guess they are to fast or too tough.

I see you have tried that now that i look back.

did you try obedience school ? he can learn to come when you call.............that is my only thought.

or you might consider sheep fencing.....

smaller spaces and cheeper. Just stick the poles in the ground and run the wire. You can go as high as you need.

make them 8 ft fences or taller. What ever is needed.

Other than that put him on a chain. A few people I know frown on that but it keeps him safe. Dogs do not understand rules and regulations. You have to out smart them.

There are time you must do things to keep them safe like fencing. But I see there is no point as he jumps them.

You have to make a decision. How safe do you want him and at what cost. You are running out of idea's.......

good luck|||make dog run. Also maybe he hasn't realized why he is getting zapped you need to walk your dog around the fence on a leash a few times, let him run through then pull him back. Make sure the dog has a visual of the boundaries|||first and foremost, every dog needs to be obedience trained.

other than that, if youve invested in the invisible fence, you should also invest a little moreand have the company's trainer come out and train your dog on it.

...i hope you weren't just expecting him understand w/o explaining what it is.|||I don't have a fence and I use a tie up outside. The only thing is you have to watch them because they can get tangled up and choke.

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