Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where can I buy fencing for a residential property that isn't permanent?

I live in a rental house and just want to fence in part of the yard because I have a dog now. I'm not planning on living here forever and don't want to sink in money into someone else's house.

What type of fencing can I get that I can take with me when I move?|||Wll the easiest for transport is the Plastic Roll fencing that you find at HomeDepo or a simililar large hardware outlet.

It is Orange about 4' tall and comes in 25 foot rolls .. you simply drive the stakes and then wire the plastic fence to the stakes.

When you leave you disconnect it from the stakes and re-roll it up.

.From there it gets more awkward and/or heavier.

.|||Portable fencing below from Amazon.|||Go to Amazon, you can get anything what you want:鈥?/a>|||Purchase a Dog Run. These are made of fence panels that sit on the ground and can be removed when you move.|||Chain link panels. Buy at Lowes or Home Depot

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