Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the best way to practice fencing during the summer?

I dont have pratices in summer but I would like to pratice is there anything I can make my fencing better? Thanks.|||Join a club that is active over the summer.|||there are many fencing camps throughout the summer

most at colleges and at other clubs

if you go onto or search google or u can find tons of camps

that is the best practise because u get the experience of fencing new fencers and working with good coaches

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|||find a place to give you some lessons I am also trying to start fencing.|||buy some gear and find a friend you can teach.|||practice your footwork,

setup a dummy and practice different attacks,

for foil %26amp; epee: put a tennis ball or a golf ball on a string, hang it up, and practice hitting it.

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