Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fencing - I want to put a 6ft tall fence (preferably wooden) in my garden. Will need a gate too. How much?

would this cost? The area is approximately 10 metres then a gate at the side - this area is 1.5 metres.

I know absolutely nothing about fencing so any help would be very much appreciated.

Also is it better to get a proper fencing contractor or could I do this myself with the help of friends?

Thanks everyone.|||we put a 6 ft fence all the way from the end of the back garden right down to the end of the drive.if i recall rightly we paid around 拢350 - 拢400.

then we got a 6 ft gate to go across the drive and that cost around 拢400 .

you can get gates cheaper but you want it to look good don't ya.

my partner put them all in so it will cost more if you want someone to do this for ya.|||You're probably better getting a quote from a company but I have just been quoted 拢800 for a similar area but that is with concrete posts and bases so would probably be around half that with wooden posts, fencing is not cheap though, particularly if you're paying someone to put it up as well.|||Sense you, "know absolutely nothing about fencing" it would be advised to call some fence contractors and get quotes. There are things like keeping it level, how deep to dig the holes, use or not use cement in the post holes and many other things you could have problems with and I know you want it to look great when it is finished. Good luck!!!|||Fencing companies charge the earth for fencing,yet it's very easy to instal fences.Never use a fencing contractor,Do it yourself.

Fence metal spikes,fence posts and panels.Use string across area to make straight line.Bang the first post down,then attach a panel,then use the other edge of panel to bang the next post etc.Use 5ft panel as they have a lot less wind resistance than 6ft.Use wood posts not concrete as it's easy to make repairs.Use metal spikes not concrete as it's easy to adjust leaning posts in the future|||A 6ft.X6ft. Fence panel costs between 拢16/18 each without fence posts. The posts are about 拢7 each.

Set the posts into the ground with "Postcrete" it is a fast setting concrete.

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