Saturday, November 19, 2011

What type of fencing is suitable for both horses and cattle?

My family is planning on moving our horses out to our own property this summer along with some beef cattle (5-10). What type of fencing is safe enough for my horse but sturdy enough for cattle?|||ride that horsie oo yea. you could send me a pic of you riding a horse thata be so cool like umm go ride the horse and then dont fall u should get a big fence though like one from the internet or somthing|||Five strands of wire, with the top strand barbed.|||I have beef cattle and horses and the fencing we use is wood fences|||dont use barbed wire. it's very dangerous for horses. I've seen horrible wounds from it.

use cattle panels with a strand of electric wire along the top.|||Yeah. Horses and cows are drastically different. It's acceptable and safe to put cattle out with barbed wire but the same fence will tear a horse to shreds.

I would highly suggest a wooden fence with at least three rails, 4.5' to 5' high. If you ran electric wire along the inside it should keep everyone inside.

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