Saturday, November 19, 2011

Whats the cheapest fencing i can by to fence in my yard?

I have golden retriever so i don't need super high fencing i just need somethign fairly cheap and quick, no invisible fecnes though.|||There is that "chicken wire" stuff It is really cheap. People use it to rope off gardens ect ect|||Basic chain link fence. Normally can even be fully installed within 1 or 2 days depending on the size of the space to be fenced in.|||Electric|||ELECTRIFIED WIRE! LOW VOLTAGE NOT DANGEROUS!|||Go with Heather B. The chicken wire is dirt cheap, and easy to install with basic tools that you should have around the house. It's ugly as sin though, and if something is determined to get in, or out, chicken wire ain't gonna stop it. Especially a "goldie"! Them buggers are strong, and hardheaded when they get the notion.

If the dogs safety is at risk, the you want the small guage chain link. The lower in height, the cheaper the price, but Goldies can go airborn when they want to. Plus it usually requires professional installation. It looks nicer though, plus you can put those plastic colored strips through the holes to make more of a privacy fence, and to look more substantial to a critter. (Outside critter's, also. Not calling the goldie a critter.)|||Try field fence,it is 38 inches or 48 inches high,comes 100 to 330 feet to a roll and you use t-bar posts to hold it up secured with bailing twine or fence wire. it has 4 inch by 6 inch holes at the bottom and 6 by 6 towards the top. It ain't the prettiest,but it works. Keeps in my australian shepherd and husky/shepherd mix.

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